Railway information
Various links to sites that provide information about the status of railway systems around the world.
If you have any suggestions please email .
- https://openrailwaymap.org - global map of railway lines
- http://www.railwaycodes.org.uk - status codes specific to the British railway system
- Live timetables and train information:
- https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk - also shows the livery for trains
- https://traksy.uk/live - like the above but also shows a map of signals and points.
- https://www.opentraintimes.com
- https://www.map.signalbox.io
‘Live’ railway status maps
Majority of links found on https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38831826
Some maps may not be live at all and rely purely on timetable data. YMMV.
- Europe
- Australia & New Zealand
- Austria
- https://anachb.vor.at/ (Kartenoptionen -> Livemap -> Alle einblenden), also includes buses
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Finnish
- France
- Germany
- https://zugfinder.net
- Berlin & Brandenburg: https://www.vbb.de/fahrinfo
- Munich: https://s-bahn-muenchen-live.de
- Hungary
- Netherlands
- Norway
- https://togkart.banenor.no/ - ‘Aqwis’ on HackerNews notes:
Train movements between stations are simulated based on the expected speed between two points and not based on GPS tracks, sadly, so it’s not very useful if you want to check whether your train is stuck (say, due to traffic or signal failures). Notice that the circles representing trains occasionally move at unnaturally high speeds – this presumably happens when a train enters a station and its location is corrected.
- https://togkart.banenor.no/ - ‘Aqwis’ on HackerNews notes:
- Poland
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Switzerland
- https://maps.vasile.ch/transit-sbb/ - animated representation of the Swiss federal railway timetable
- Sweden
- United States